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Upload help

Press Ganey can administer surveys in multiple methods including mail, phone, text message, and Internet. Press Ganey’s InfoTurn Division is the mail survey distribution section of our complete measurement and reporting services. In order to administer your surveys, you must transmit your customer or patient data in a secure manner. We utilize a Managed File Transfer (MFT) application for the secure transmission of your data to Press Ganey. You may transmit your data using any of these three secure protocols:

  • HTTPS (Hypertext Transmission Protocol Secure)
  • SFTP (Secure File Transport Protocol, SSH File Transfer Protocol)
  • FTPS (File Transfer Protocol Secure, FTP over SSL)

Documentation to guide you through the file setup and data transmission processes can be obtained here.


Press Ganey Public Key
This is the key file that you will need for GNUPG or PGP in order to encrypt data for Press Ganey.